Agent Name","Connect Revenue","Disconnect Revenue","No Sale Revenue Revenue","Connect Disconnect","Disconnect Discount","No Sale Discount","Connect Net Revenue","Net Revenue","Basic-Connect","Basic-Disconnect","Basic-Net","HSI-Connects","HSI-Disconnects","HSI-Net","Phone-Connects","Phone-Disconnects","Phone-Net","PSUs-Connects","PSUs-Disconnects","Net-PSUs","Calls Handeled","Home Sec-Connects","Home Sec-Disconnects","Home Sec-Net Connects","Care Connects","Care Disconnects","Care-Net Connects","CSP Connects","CSP Disconnects","CSP-Net Connects","One Time Charge Count","One Time Charge Revenue","Mobile Connect","Cox Mobile Bonus","Cox Mobile Units"
"Coates, Thomas D.",14172.49,-3639.67,-175,-2567.14,562.02,-38.5,11391.85,8314.2,17,0,17,76,0,76,4,0,4,98,0,98,588,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,1

Changing Internet Packages in ICOMS

ID: 170221124319265


Follow the steps below to create and complete an Internet package upgrade or downgrade workorder by office only.

  • Before changing an Internet package: verify the modem can achieve the new package speeds. Refer to Cox Certified Cable Modems.
  • A Serviceability Check is required for upgrades to the Super Fast (1 Gig) / Super Fast (1 Gig) Fiber PON packages. 
  • Professional installation is required for upgrades to the Super Fast (1 Gig) / Super Fast (1 Gig) Fiber PON packages.
    • Exception: Gigablast (all markets) and Gigablast Fiber PON in Northern Virgina can be self-installed.
  • Exisiting Super Fast (1 Gig) Fiber PON customers can downgrade to lower tiers of service without a device swap.
  1. Authenticate the customer's identity.

    1. In the Task field, enter SC to begin a Service Change work order.
    2. On the Customer Flashes window, review the information and then click OK.
    3. From the Customer Maintenance (CM) window, complete the following tasks.
    4. Enter or confirm information in the following fields.
      • First Name and Last Name
      • Home Phone.
        Note: A mobile number cannot be listed in this field. It must be placed in the Other Phone field.
      • Business Phone.
      • Other Phone.
      • SSN.
      • Customer Type.
      • Category.
    5. Press Enter.
    1. From the Entry Services (ES) window, enter Sale TypeSale Reason, and any applicable Campaign Code.
    2. Highlight the service to be swapped.
    3. Click Swap Service, then refer to the following table for next steps.
    If ICOMS...Then...
    Displays the error message No services available for swapping.
    1. In the Task field, enter HS.
    2. Remove the old Internet service and Package ID codes.
    3. Add the new service and Package ID codes.
    4. In the ES window, click Package. The Package Pricing window appears.
    5. Click Add. The Select Pacage Group window appears.
    6. Click the correct package then click Select. Packages Added. Press Exit appears.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Click Exit.
    Opens the Swap Service window without displaying an error message
    1. Highlight the new service, and click Select.
    2. Confirm change.
    3. Click Package.
    4. Highlight the old Internet Package ID, then click Remove and place a check in the Continue box, then click OK.
    5. Click Package, then click Add.
    6. Click Data Packages, then Select.
    7. Highlight the new Internet Package ID and click Select.
  2. In the Task field, enter SS to access the Work Order Scheduling window.

    Result: The Order Type window displays.

    1. Select the appropriate Order Type, then click Select.
    2. Check the Office Only box.
    3. Enter appropriate work order comments.
    4. Click OK.

      Result: The Order Summary window displays.
  3. From the Order Summary window, complete the following:

    1. Review the order with the customer to ensure accuracy.
    2. Click OK to commit the work order.

      Result: The Work Order Check-In window displays.

    3. In the Status field, select Completed.
    4. Enter the following information as needed:
        • Sales ID Number
        • Sales Date
        • Start Billing Date (must be today when completing the order.)
    1. Press Enter twice.
  4. After the work order is completed, the modem resets and reprovisions.

    1. If the modem doesn't reset within two minutes, advise the customer to unplug the modem and any attached devices for 15 seconds, then re-plug them in.
    2. If the lights remain on after unplugging, instruct the customer to also remove the battery.

    Is the customer's internet working?

    • If yes, then proceed to step 8.
    • If no, then continue to the next step.
  5. In the Task field, enter PT to access the Provisioning Transactions window.

    1. Review the Resp Code field for three-digit error codes.
    2. Is there a three-digit error code in the Resp Code field?
      • If yes, then refer to this article, ICOMS Provisioning Error Codes for next steps.
      • If no and the internet service is still not working, then transfer to Tech Support.
  6. In the Task field, enter CC to access the Customer Comments window.

    1. Add comments regarding upgrade work order.
    2. Click OK.