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Thank you for calling Cox
my name is Thomas, at your service
How can I help you today?
Oh, well I am here to help|
and we can get you a solution today
.| With whom and I speaking?
[phone number]
[email address]
Good, I can see the details of your account
and with that, I am going to address your primary issue
and we do that together
would you mind if I ask you a few questions about your account as it appears today?|
looks like we have not earned your business yet on
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- Coxoffersa.htm
- SvcAbltyTool
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- Works With Compatible Devices
- Product Details - Ditto Clipboard
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- Cox Voice Preferred intl rates
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- IGtway
- Text Editor for Google Drive
- PrdHtshts
- MainPage - Customer Identification Requirements
- MainPage - Deposit and Prepayment Guidelines
- MainPage - Credit Check Guidelines and Process Details
- MainPage - Reconnect Requirements
- Residential Sales Performance Scorecard Policy - Inbound Sales Representative 2023 v.6
- MainPage - Residential Sales Performance Management
- Advanced Campaign Search
- MainPage - Shipment & Order Tracking for Cox Mobile
- IT Help - ITHelp
- MainPage - Billing Cycles
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