Date and Time Written Requests Response Correspondence Note
2024-07-05 17:38 (13 days ago) Delayed Access to Systems ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT

Thomas - <>
SENT TO: Azariah Workman, Sarah DellaVecchio, Keith Wilson
I hope all is well. I am writing to address a critical issue regarding my current inability to access essential corporate systems and applications while on disability leave. As you are aware, and I have stated and repeated requests...
2024-07-09 12:37 (9 days ago) ADA Accommodation Request ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT

Thomas - <>
SENT TO: Azariah Workman, Keith Wilson
I trust all is well with you. I am writing to formally introduce a request for reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Attached to this letter, you will find the completed "Request for Reasonable Accommodation" form...
2024-07-12 12:29 (6 days ago) Payroll Impacted Immediate Attention ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT

Thomas - <>
SENT TO: Azariah Workman
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to address a concerning issue regarding my most recent paycheck. Upon reviewing my payment for the two-week period, I noticed that my pay was approximately 60% of my usual earnings...
2024-07-02 15:59 (16 days ago) Managing PTO ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT

Thomas - <>
SENT TO: Azariah Workman, Donte Holmes, Sarah DellaVecchio, Keith Wilson
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to address an important matter regarding the accessibility of our PTO scheduling system, particularly in situations where an employee is homebound due to illness or other health-related issues in caring for family members with illness...
2024-07-02 14:40 (16 days ago) "OCCURRENCES" Increased - changes/additions made with errors ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT

Thomas - <>
SENT TO: Azariah Workman, Rachel Smith, Donte Holmes, Sarah DellaVecchio, Thomas Coates

My pending request for time-off to care for my Son, in 4 days, had not received a single response. -
However, at the same time, this period was used as an opportunity to make updates which increased my occurrences and an opportunity to generate a Written ScoreCard Final Warning!

ON June 25, a WRITTEN REQUEST had been turned in concerning PAYROLL, TIME, WORKDAY, BENEFITS, DISABILITY, LEAVE, COMPUTER LOGS/TICKETS, OFFLINES, Absence Requests Absence Balance, with PENDING AND UNRESOLVED (responded-to) REQUESTS SUBMITTED, why would there be retroactive and incorrect changes made to Occurrences?
Thomas D. Coates
June 30, 2024
2024-07-02 14:20 (16 days ago) Sales Reporting Issues and Disciplinary Action Rebuttal ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT

Thomas - <>
SENT TO: Azariah Workman, Rachel Smith, Donte Holmes, Sarah DellaVecchio, Thomas Coates
Subject: Rebuttal to Written Disciplinary Action Dated June 22, 2024

Dear Ms. DellaVecchio and Ms. Azariah Workman,
I am writing to formally contest the written disciplinary action issued to me on [date]. I believe this action is unwarranted and does not consider key information that I had previously submitted.

On [(3/26/2024, 4/1/2024, 4/5/2024, 4/23/2024, 4/30/2024, 5/7/2024, 5/14/2024, 5/18/2024, 5/19/2024, 5/20/2024, 5/21/2024, 5/26/2024, 5/28/2024, 6/3/2024, 6/4/2024, 6/8/2024)], I filed several requests that addressed the issues raised in the disciplinary action. These requests included detailed information and technical documentation regarding systems errors affecting: PAYROLL, ABSENCES, WORKDAY, ICE, ICOMS, and STAR that should have been taken into account before any disciplinary measures were decided upon. Unfortunately, these requests were not answered, and the information therein was overlooked. The issues which have been documented and submitted to sales leadership have direct impact and relevance to the [Inbound Sales Performance Scorecard Policy] for May 2024, April 2024, and March 2024 and directly affect my actual attainment in meeting [the sales minimum performance thresholds in any one-month period]... (see attached)
2024-06-27 23:45 (21 days ago) Physician Accommodation Request Form ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT

Thomas - <>
SENT TO: Sarah DellaVecchio, Donte Holmes, Azariah Workman
Dear Azariah,
I am writing to express my deep concern about the events that transpired late this afternoon and evening. Leaving your office earlier in the day, I felt hopeful that someone had heard me and that we could finally address the reporting issues I've raised for the past two months...

Regulations that govern the handling of my requests and protect my rights as an employee: