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Your most recent claims are shown below. AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! 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VIEW PREFERENCES.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] window.onload = function () { _satellite.pageBottom(); } Feedback_satellite["_runScript1"](function(event, target, Promise) { function setCookie(e,t,s){var r="";if(s){var a=new Date;a.setTime(a.getTime()+24*s*60*60*1e3),r="; expires="+a.toUTCString()}document.cookie=e+"="+(t||"")+r+"; path=/"}if(null!=_satellite.getVar("customerID")){var customerId=_satellite.getVar("customerID");setCookie("Adobe_CustomerId",customerId)}if(null!=_satellite.getVar("userStatus")){var userstatus=_satellite.getVar("userStatus");setCookie("Adobe_UserStatus",userstatus)} }); Text: GSSP-US Digital Claim Summary //CustomEvent polyfill for IE compatibility (function () { if (typeof window.CustomEvent === "function") return false; function CustomEvent(event, params) { params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined }; var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail); return evt; } CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; })(); const origin = window.location.origin; const isEmployer = origin.indexOf('employer') !== -1; const targetEmployer = "https://employer.servicing.online.metlife.com"; const target = "https://servicing.online.metlife.com"; const aksTarget = "https://servicing1.online.metlife.com"; const productionURL = "https://assets.adobedtm.com/launch-EN0243aea654e44eefbb2bfd41c4253ad6.min.js"; const lowerEnvURL = "https://assets.adobedtm.com/launch-EN9e780a842a66444bba2b7e8a5c32b2f0-development.min.js"; let node = document.createElement('script'); if (isEmployer) { node.src = (window.location.origin === targetEmployer ? 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Your most recent claims are shown below. AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] window.onload = function () { _satellite.pageBottom(); } Feedback_satellite["_runScript1"](function(event, target, Promise) { function setCookie(e,t,s){var r="";if(s){var a=new Date;a.setTime(a.getTime()+24*s*60*60*1e3),r="; expires="+a.toUTCString()}document.cookie=e+"="+(t||"")+r+"; path=/"}if(null!=_satellite.getVar("customerID")){var customerId=_satellite.getVar("customerID");setCookie("Adobe_CustomerId",customerId)}if(null!=_satellite.getVar("userStatus")){var userstatus=_satellite.getVar("userStatus");setCookie("Adobe_UserStatus",userstatus)} }); Text: Skip to main ContentClickCoxWelcomeThomasHOMEMY ACCOUNTSCLAIM CENTERDOCUMENTS & FORMSClaim CenterView claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: Skip to main ContentClickCoxWelcomeThomasHOMEMY ACCOUNTSCLAIM CENTERDOCUMENTS & FORMSClaim CenterView claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: Skip to main ContentClickCoxWelcomeThomasHOMEMY ACCOUNTSCLAIM CENTERDOCUMENTS & FORMS Link: https://servicing.online.metlife.com/claims/claimsSummary?grpNumber=218327#homecontent Text: ClickCoxWelcomeThomas Text: Click Text: Click Text: Click Text: Click Link: Text: Click Text: Click Text: CoxWelcomeThomas Text: Cox Text: Cox Text: WelcomeThomas Text: WelcomeThomas Text: Welcome Text: Thomas Text: HOMEMY ACCOUNTSCLAIM CENTERDOCUMENTS & FORMS Text: HOMEMY ACCOUNTSCLAIM CENTERDOCUMENTS & FORMS Text: HOMEMY ACCOUNTSCLAIM CENTERDOCUMENTS & FORMS Text: HOME Text: HOME Text: HOME Text: HOME Link: https://servicing.online.metlife.com/claims/claimsSummary?grpNumber=218327#! Text: HOME Text: HOME Text: MY ACCOUNTS Text: MY ACCOUNTS Text: MY ACCOUNTS Text: MY ACCOUNTS Link: https://servicing.online.metlife.com/claims/claimsSummary?grpNumber=218327#! Text: MY ACCOUNTS Text: MY ACCOUNTS Text: CLAIM CENTER Text: CLAIM CENTER Text: CLAIM CENTER Text: CLAIM CENTER Link: https://servicing.online.metlife.com/claims/claimsSummary?grpNumber=218327#! Text: CLAIM CENTER Text: CLAIM CENTER Text: DOCUMENTS & FORMS Text: DOCUMENTS & FORMS Text: DOCUMENTS & FORMS Text: DOCUMENTS & FORMS Link: https://servicing.online.metlife.com/claims/claimsSummary?grpNumber=218327#! Text: DOCUMENTS & FORMS Text: DOCUMENTS & FORMS Text: Claim CenterView claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: Claim CenterView claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: Claim CenterView claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: Claim CenterView claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. Text: Claim CenterView claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. Text: Claim CenterView claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. Text: Claim Center Text: Claim Center Text: View claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. Text: View claim details, submit a claim or search your claim history. Your most recent claims are shown below. Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older AbsencesDisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older ClaimsCommunication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older Absences Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older Absences Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138View Older Absences Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetails Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetails Text: AbsenceAbsence and DisabilityDetails Text: AbsenceAbsence and Disability Text: AbsenceAbsence and Disability Text: Absence Text: Absence Text: Absence Text: Absence and Disability Text: Details Text: Details Text: Details Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: Show less Text: Show less Text: Show less Text: Show less Link: Text: Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138 Text: Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138 Text: Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident.Thomas CoatesAbsence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosedMetlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138 Text: Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident. Text: Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident. Text: Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident. Text: Absence and Disability Insurance enables you to report, view and manage your absences from work. Disability Insurance ensures that you’ll receive a portion of your income if you need to stop working for a period due to a disabling illness or accident. Text: Thomas Coates Text: Thomas Coates Text: Thomas Coates Text: Absence StatusStep 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosed Text: Absence Status Text: Absence Status Text: Step 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosed Text: Step 1 of 3 completedSubmittedPendingClosed Text: Step 1 of 3 completedSubmitted Text: Step 1 of 3 completedSubmitted Text: Step 1 of 3 completedSubmitted Text: Step 1 of 3 completed Text: Submitted Text: Pending Text: Pending Text: Pending Text: Pending Text: Closed Text: Closed Text: Closed Text: Closed Text: Metlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138 Text: Metlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001Start Date:07/01/2024End Date:09/16/2024Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138 Text: Metlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: Metlife Event #MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: Metlife Event # Link: Text: MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: P00102914001 Text: P00102914001 Link: Text: P00102914001 Text: P00102914001 Text: Start Date:07/01/2024 Text: Start Date:07/01/2024 Text: Start Date: Text: 07/01/2024 Text: End Date:09/16/2024 Text: End Date:09/16/2024 Text: End Date: Text: 09/16/2024 Text: Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138 Text: Associated ClaimsMLE-1029140110113031138 Text: Associated Claims Text: MLE-1029140110113031138 Text: MLE-1029140110113031138 Text: MLE-1029140110113031138 Text: 110113031138 Text: 110113031138 Link: Text: 110113031138 Text: 110113031138 Text: View Older Absences Text: View Older Absences Text: View Older Absences Text: View Older Absences Text: View Older Absences Text: View Older Absences Text: View Older Absences Link: Text: View Older Absences Text: View Older Absences Text: DisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older Claims Text: DisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older Claims Text: DisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show lessThomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001View Older Claims Text: DisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Text: DisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Text: DisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetailsI Want To... Show less Text: DisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetails Text: DisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetails Text: DisabilityShort Term DisabilityDetails Text: DisabilityShort Term Disability Text: DisabilityShort Term Disability Text: Disability Text: Disability Text: Disability Text: Short Term Disability Text: Details Text: Details Text: Details Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: I Want To... Text: Show less Text: Show less Text: Show less Text: Show less Link: Text: Thomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: Thomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: Thomas CoatesClaim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claimClaim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: Thomas Coates Text: Thomas Coates Text: Thomas Coates Text: Claim StatusStep 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claim Text: Claim Status Text: Claim Status Link: Text: Step 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosedInformation is needed to process this claim Text: Step 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmittedStep 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPendingStep 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosed Text: Step 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmitted Text: Step 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmitted Text: Step 1 of 3 COMPLETEDSubmitted Text: Step 1 of 3 COMPLETED Text: Submitted Text: Step 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPending Text: Step 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPending Text: Step 2 of 3 COMPLETEDPending Text: Step 2 of 3 COMPLETED Text: Pending Text: Step 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosed Text: Step 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosed Text: Step 3 of 3 COMPLETEDClosed Text: Step 3 of 3 COMPLETED Text: Closed Text: Information is needed to process this claim Text: Information is needed to process this claim Text: Claim DetailsMetlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: Claim Details Text: Metlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138Start Date:07/01/2024Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: Metlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138 Text: Metlife Event #MLE-1029140110113031138 Text: Metlife Event # Link: Text: MLE-1029140110113031138 Text: MLE-1029140110113031138 Text: 110113031138 Text: 110113031138 Link: Text: 110113031138 Text: 110113031138 Text: Start Date:07/01/2024 Text: Start Date:07/01/2024 Text: Start Date: Text: 07/01/2024 Text: Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024 Text: Expected Return to Work Date09/17/2024 Text: Expected Return to Work Date Text: 09/17/2024 Text: Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: Associated Claims:MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: Associated Claims: Text: MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: MLE-1029140P00102914001 Text: P00102914001 Text: P00102914001 Link: Text: P00102914001 Text: P00102914001 Text: View Older Claims Text: View Older Claims Text: View Older Claims Text: View Older Claims Text: View Older Claims Text: View Older Claims Text: View Older Claims Link: Text: View Older Claims Text: View Older Claims Text: Communication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: Communication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: Communication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: Communication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: Communication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. VIEW PREFERENCES Text: Communication PreferencesYou’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. Text: Communication Preferences Text: Communication Preferences Text: Communication Preferences Text: You’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. Text: You’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. Text: You’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. Text: You’re in control! Set your preferences for when and how you get messages and alerts about your accounts. Text: VIEW PREFERENCES Text: VIEW PREFERENCES Text: VIEW PREFERENCES Text: VIEW PREFERENCES Text: VIEW PREFERENCES Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logoPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;} Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;} Text: metlife logo Text: Privacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information.cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: Privacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information Text: Privacy PolicyTerms of UseContact UsImportant Information Text: Privacy Policy Text: Privacy Policy Text: Privacy Policy Link: https://www.metlife.com/about-us/privacy-policy/online-privacy-policy/?grpNumber=218327 Text: Privacy Policy Text: Privacy Policy Text: Terms of Use Text: Terms of Use Text: Terms of Use Link: https://servicing.online.metlife.com/common/termsofuse?grpNumber=218327 Text: Terms of Use Text: Terms of Use Text: Contact Us Text: Contact Us Text: Contact Us Link: https://servicing.online.metlife.com/common/customersupport?grpNumber=218327 Text: Contact Us Text: Contact Us Text: Important Information Text: Important Information Text: Important Information Link: https://servicing.online.metlife.com/common/importantinformation?grpNumber=218327 Text: Important Information Text: Important Information Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;}metlife logo Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;} Text: .cls-1{fill:#a4ce4e}.cls-2{fill:#0090da;}.cls-3{fill:#0061a0;} Text: metlife logo Text: © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC Text: © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC Text: © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC Text: © 2024 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC Text: L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: L0722023888[exp0724][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] Text: window.onload = function () { _satellite.pageBottom(); } Text: Feedback Text: Feedback Text: Feedback Text: _satellite["_runScript1"](function(event, target, Promise) { function setCookie(e,t,s){var r="";if(s){var a=new Date;a.setTime(a.getTime()+24*s*60*60*1e3),r="; expires="+a.toUTCString()}document.cookie=e+"="+(t||"")+r+"; path=/"}if(null!=_satellite.getVar("customerID")){var customerId=_satellite.getVar("customerID");setCookie("Adobe_CustomerId",customerId)}if(null!=_satellite.getVar("userStatus")){var userstatus=_satellite.getVar("userStatus");setCookie("Adobe_UserStatus",userstatus)} });