
4/10/2023 11:56:03

God, “we relax and take it easy, we don’t struggle”  God, in direction of my day, I need help on technical things regarding my work.  I easily move to the exciting and new parts of what I am trying to do, and discard the discipline.  Please help me with my computer work.  You will not mine be done.

4/13/2023, 8:07:21 AM

God, I heard a good quote and I am adding a little to it:   When I look for the good in others, I bring out the best in myself, and conversely, when I look for the bad in other, I bring out the worst in myself

4/14/2023, 12:54:17 PM

God, sometimes I am the like the “Thunderbolts” and it scares me, because I know it is not your way.  Thy will be done, not mine!

4/17/2023, 10:10:24 AM

God, having fear about the employment situation and not getting a full check, need to ask the EEOC what I should do.  Here is the daily reflection for today:  ""courage"" is ""the willingness to do the right thing in spite of fear."

4/29/2023 Dear God, I am at Barnes and Noble and you have brought me through several things in the past month.  Help me to be able to see your truth for me and to stay close to it.  I do know that helping other Alcoholics Achieve sobriety in certainly one, you have shown me.  We are so glad you are here, we could wait for you to get back!

5/1/2023 Dear God, remembering the song “Big Rock Candy Mountain”, my Mom playing it on the piano. Share the lyrics and read about Burl Ives.  Heard Cardinals. Amazing Grace

6/10/2023 dear God is aa's birthday and there's several coincidence that happened I want to tell you about so I remember to o:  Robert finished his fourth step this morning and before I sat down with him to do the four step prayer someone in the meeting Liz talked about it and called it the sick man's prayer and I didn't know that I was going to read about that in a few moments with Robert until I looked on the schedule we have in it was for me to go to that page another coincidence is that is aa's birthday which I just noticed when I wrote the date line Robert's fourth step.  I didn't even plan on exactly how we were going to do it but when I sat down it's as if the notebook and the big book opened up to the same correct pages that we needed in that we read I picked just kind of what I thought was random but as we read it was exactly where we were supposed to be love you guys


God some of the things I was thinking about was the fact that children have a natural inborn spirituality.  Children and dogs have a seeming ability to unconditional love.  Other truisms:  when I show Goodwill towards another person I am either immediately or shortly thereafter in a spiritual good place


God, my computer and phone have a million different things that I can become interested in right off the top of my head and I just wanted to see if you can help with directing my thinking and directing me to aspects that are productive for me.  In Jesus name I pray, and asking the gift of the holy Spirit.


God, I wonder how it would be if I talked things out with you and wrote them down with you if I could then be clearer on things that I need to do and things that I need to sort through mentally if that would help.

Let me take one example I need to look for a job but I am not completely understanding what it might be that would be good for me to do and what is important in the way of a job for an example I know that I flourish under structure and that showing up to a job location every day was actually very good for me and I could have the delineation of that day away from my other activities and concentrate on work and I felt good about getting there on time and showing up and working well when I was there and then I loved being able to leave at a specific time and have the day be done and earn a good living.  At the same time in my mind I believe that I have a certain level of creativity and I have a certain expertise and computers and spreadsheets and data and I have a maybe a unique approach and that that would be marketable and I have some good ideas that have sat on my computer and are able to be shown to others or at least explored further and may be of some value in the thought was that I would be able to do some sort of a job where I could contribute freelance and be available part of some unique solution for a company in a niche market.  At any rate God so what I'm doing is I'm just going off the top of my head and getting it down to you and seeing if there would be some organization in my own mind and maybe some help and direction love you Thomas.

Look for syncronicites around you.  Think about impressing others less. Facile.

9/27/2023 Dear God,  please be with me as I pray watch over Taylor I love him so much he was just taken away by the police and put into care because he wanted to hurt himself after drinking and several other things and I love him so dearly and I'm hurting so bad with him on my heart please bless him and keep him and watch him and love him and Jesus name it is that I pray asking for the gift of the holy Spirit that he may have his heart mended and kept in Jesus name I pray amen

10/19/2023 Dear God,  I'm very grateful and thankful for Taylor sobriety and also I want to ask for the gift of the holy Spirit your help in jesus's help in helping me be more in contact with your will for me and the conscious contact that I'm supposed to be working towards God please be with me.

10/20/2023. Dear God,  I am trying to figure out the best course for me as far as work goes and the fact is that I'm having trouble because of stress or whatever else and can't concentrate that well and I'm really quickly and easily distracted and I'm trying to be consistent and try and finish projects and do what I need to do to get hired but I am not able to focus and put in enough extended time on one project to finish it I have good ideas that pop up I go to pursue them and then I'm distracted by another idea at any rate I'm just asking for guidance and direction on which way I should go and help me to have less fear about the outcome and what I need to do and financial insecurity Jesus name I pray Amen

03/03/2024 Dear God I wanted to list the things that I see that happen in my thinking that I don't and think are good and I know I don't want and keep me from the beautiful thoughts that are the hope of you and my AA program and the love of my family and friends in the world.  To identify the thoughts because they come so naturally and they have a dialogue of their own and they can escalate.  So I wanted to list some of the faults introductory statements that float in my head so that I may better redirect my thinking as they pop up rather than let them stay unchallenged.  But also I want to remember whatever I resist might persist so I know fighting these thoughts is not necessarily what is necessary.  That is why I also believe that the prayer that I have been given from page 86 is I ask you for direction in my thoughts having them be divorce of self-pity dishonest or self-seeking motives.  So in a way this is my part possibly in that prayer.  Here are some of the introductory statements to Old thinking…

“ he just does this“

“ he says this but he's really doing this“

“ it's so obvious to me I don't know why other people can't see it“

“they have disregarded what is coming to me “

“ who does that guy think that he is“

“do they know who I am “

“what's the point that's futile “

“that's good enough “

“this is requiring unnecessary steps, I refuse to follow an inferior list of instructions “

“they have no idea what their big they're doing to begin with”

These are all the introductions or conjunctions that give content to my poor thinking.  God help me redirect my thinking…🤔

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